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Head Teacher's Welcome
On behalf of our school community, we would like to welcome you to Gossey Lane Academy. We are delighted that you have visited our website to find out more about us. Gossey Lane is an inclusive and vibrant school where the children are placed at the very heart of everything we do.
Our children are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. Nothing matters more than making our children readers. The children are at the heart of every decision we make to ensure that they are happy, confident and that the opportunities that are provided for them are relevant to their needs both now and for the future.
We follow the National Curriculum which is sequenced for cumulative knowledge, understanding and skills. We aim for our children to know and remember more by ensuring they complete the programmes of study, enabling them to reach Age Related Expectations. This will provide them with strong foundations for their secondary education. Most notably, our curriculum is built with a three fold aim in mind:
- To mitigate social disadvantage including children with SEND, delivered with a high focus on PSHE.
- To develop global awareness and broaden the pupils’ worldview in order to close gaps in knowledge and skills.
- To provide children with high quality reading and Oracy opportunities.
Furthermore, through our engaging curriculum, we ensure children can foster a passion for learning and curiosity that will help to develop high aspirations. We believe in ensuring children receive a broad and balanced curriculum through which individual talents can be spotted and nurtured so that that all children experience success and reach their full potential. As an Oracy school, we believe that spoken language is essential to the development and achievement of our children across the curriculum. Good oracy skills also support wider literacy skills; it is linked to improvements in reading, writing, and overall attainment.
We have an unerring focus on developing pupils through our PSHE curriculum under pinned by our ASPIRE values. By the time our children leave Gossey Lane they will be well rounded individuals who will be successful both academically, emotionally and have well developed social skills. We go over and above the academics at Gossey Lane through our 11b411 so we can ensure that when our children reach the end of their primary school journey they can leave with a life time of wonderful memories.
The school has a dedicated team that works hard to reach high standards in everything we do and this is further embedded through our successful relationships with parents, the local community and the other schools in the Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust. We firmly believe that education is a partnership between home and school and regard you as an active partner in your child’s education, wholeheartedly valuing your interest and support. We are very proud of our school and of being a part of Washwood Heath Multi Academy Trust. We hope that our website has given you a flavour of what it is like to be a part of our community.
If you require any further information please do get in touch with us by telephone on: 0121 464 2909 or by email on enquiry@gosseylane.academy
We look forward to meeting you soon.