
At Gossey Lane, we see homework as an extension of learning from school to home. The Education Endowment Foundation states that homework can add 3 months of additional learning for children in primary school. 

At Gossey Lane, teachers will set homework each week. This is sent to parents at the start of the half term as an overview. Homework comprises of the following aspects:

  • Daily reading to an adult as well as independent reading. 
  • Pages pre selected by the teacher from the children's Maths text books 
  • Pages pre selected by the teacher from the children's grammar text books. 
  • National Curriculum spellings (KS2) or phonics (EYFS/KS1)
  • Topic related work which could include research, making a 3D model, information posters or leaflets. 
  • Timetable Rockstars or SATs companion.  

If your child does not complete their homework or maybe they do not have a quiet space at home, school will endeavour to offer a homework club for these children. This is not to be seen as punitive but as a supportive measure for children and parents. 

To find out more please read the Homework Policy below. 

Homework FAQs

Homework policy