After School Clubs

After school, our children can take part in a wide range of clubs which are organised by our teaching staff. We also use outside providers to deliver more specialist programmes. Central Coaching run our after school club sports’ provision.

Sports club

These are organised by ASPIRE ACTIVE. 

Below are the clubs running from w/c 9th September 2024 to  18th July 2025. 

Gossey lane asc 2024 2025

Extra Curricular clubs

Every teacher and teaching assistant will run one club per year with the aim of stretching children's interests and talents.  Each year we ask the children about what they are interested in. We use this feedback to shape the opportunities on offer. For 2024- 2025 they are as follows: 

Mrs Cotterill and Mrs Prentice - Choir all year round. 
Term  Club name  Year group  Day  Staff member 
Autumn 2         
Spring 1         
Spring 1        
Spring 2        
Spring 2        
Summer 1        
Summer 2         

Lunchtime Clubs 

We recognise that some children do not always have the opportunity to join an after school club. Therefore, we have started running clubs at lunchtime too so that all children can access a broad offer. For example these could include:

MUGA- Daily 

Arts and Crafts

Board games 



Book club

Computer club 

The aim of these clubs is to have fun but also to develop other skills such as social skills, turn taking and Oracy.