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Curriculum Overview

The end point to the Gossey Lane Curriculum is designed so that our pupils are Globally aware citizens, who take advantage of experiences for learning, show responsibility and can fulfil the Gossey Vision:

To enable everyone, regardless of differences, to achieve their full potential by acquiring the skills and knowledge necessary to flourish in life.

This is underpinned by our ASPIRE values:

Acceptance, Strive, Pride, Independent, Reflective, Exceptional

Our Mission: Getting it Right for Everyone.

Our Curriculum Intent

We have worked hard to design a curriculum that ignites our children’s aspirations and interests and helps them to know more, remember more and do more. Some of our children have limited life experiences in their day to day lives, so we want to give them the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in life and the confidence to follow their interests and passions.

  • British Values were identified as crucial to ensure these core community and school values are taught across all year groups. 
  • Cultural capital enables us to teach the children about the best that has been thought and said. 
  • Oracy develops the pupils listening and speaking skills. 

It was important for us to establish a planning framework for our teachers, so every subject was mapped out in detail to clearly identify the knowledge and skills that need to be learnt by the end of each stage of learning. These progression maps enable us to ensure our curriculum content is age appropriate, aspirational and builds on prior learning.

We have devised Knowledge Organisers for all foundation subjects and Science. These are a summary of key facts and essential knowledge that children need to learn about the unit of work. They help us to check progression across year groups, enable quizzing and recall activities in class, help us to pre-teach children who need more support and help you, our parents, to know what your children are learning and enable you to support them in this learning. 

To view our cornerstones topics please follow this link -Curriculum Overview 2024-2025

Gossey Intent

What drives our Curriculum?

Our Curriculum at Gossey Lane aims to provide our pupils with a wide range of learning opportunities and experiences. It is our desire that the children and their families value their learning and seize all opportunities whole heartedly. It is our aim that by the time children leave Gossey Lane Academy to embark on the next stage of their education, they are equipped with the academic skills and knowledge and that they have developed  the personal attributes needed to enable them to become successful citizens of the future. 

How do we organise our curriculum?

Here at Gossey Lane Academy we provide a creative curriculum based around the ‘Curriculum Maestro.’ Curriculum Maestro, from Cornerstones, is a nationally recognised approach which delivers outstanding learning opportunities for all children. It is our chosen vehicle for delivering the National Curriculum. 

Curriculum Maestro is a creative approach to learning that is mapped to the 2014 Primary National Curriculum to ensure comprehensive coverage of national expectations. At Gossey Lane we have handpicked the projects we will use to help deliver the requirements of the NC. These are History, Geography, Art and Design, Design Technology and Science. Curriculum Maestro provides a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning that make creative links between all aspects of children’s learning. 

The other non-core subjects are taught weekly using recognised schemes which have been selected with our children in mind. These are: Music (Charanga) Computing (Purple Mash), PSHE and RE (Jigsaw ), PE (The PE Hub) and MFL (Primary Languages Network).  The core subjects, English and Maths are taught daily. To see an overview of how our curriculum is organised and pulled together please see the year group curriculum maps below: 

Overview year 1 curriculum map

Overview year 2 curriculum map

Overview year 3 curriculum map

Overview year 4 curriculum map

Overview year 5 curriculum map

Overview year 6 curriculum map

If you require any further information please follow this link to read about each subject in more detail. 

How are gaps in learning addressed?

  • Creating a ‘Culture of Reading’ quality texts throughout school, and a drive to improve pupils reading skills. Accessing texts that may not be available in the home
  • Quality experiences are available locally and are planned into the curriculum. WOW openers, quality materials, excellent visits/ visitors are some of the tools we might use.
  • Social disadvantage is addressed by immersing pupils within a topic through all of the above.
  • A good standard of Reading and Maths is developed along -side the above.
  • A progression of skills ensures pupils knowledge and skills move forward as they make progress through school which is built from  EYFS.
  • The use of Knowledge Organisers both at home and school kicks starts the learning. We finish the unit of learning through quizzing using a varying style of question types. This ensures children have retained information to their long term memory and provides the opportunity to address any misconceptions. 
  • Children may make presentations in a variety of forms  using the Oracy framework.
  • Cultural Capital – introducing pupils to the best that has been thought and said, is planned within each topic.
  • Tracking attainment helps to guide the teacher. Each topic begins with a review of prior learning so that misconceptions can be addressed before moving on. 

How will teachers address any gaps? 

Teachers will become experts in topics enabling pupils to embed concepts into long term memory.
Teachers create an environment which is focused on pupils where: 

  • Reading is prioritised, pupils must read widely and often. 
  • Phonics is prioritised. 
  • Work is demanding and prior learning is reviewed regularly. 
  • Pupils are taught how the brain works (short and long term memory)
  • Pupils are prepared for Secondary life and beyond.
  • Safeguarding and Attendance is addressed to mitigate risk factors. 
  • Progress is measured in terms of knowing more, remembering more, being able to do more.
  • Key interventions are used to target children at risk of underachieving. 

How will we ensure that the children of Gossey Lane are prepared for the future?

Personal development is a key driver at Gossey Lane Academy. 

  • We teach pupils to build confidence and resilience.
  • How to engage with society, and provide opportunities to do so.
  • Develop as active citizens.
  • Understand fundamental British Values.
  • Understand Equal Opportunity and be Inclusive.
  • Understand how to be mentally healthy.
  • How to have a healthy life style.
  • Understand safety on line.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Development at Gossey Lane Academy is a thread which runs through our curriculum.

  • We teach pupils to be Reflective (on life.)
  • Have knowledge and respect for different faiths and religions, feelings and values.
  • Know the difference between right and wrong and apply it to their own life.
  • Understand that theirs and others actions have consequences.
  • Understand different cultures.
  • Have a knowledge of British Democracy, and Parliament.
  • Be able to respond to, and take part in cultural opportunities for example in the arts, music and sport.

Documents that support our curriculum

How can I find out more information?

If you have any further questions about our curriculum which you cannot find on our website, please email enquiry@gosseylane.academy and a member of the team will be in touch.