Our mission is to ensure that we are ‘Getting It Right for Everyone’.
At Gossey Lane, every teacher is a teacher of SEND. Therefore, your child's class teacher will be the first point of contact should you require advice and support for your child's needs. However, if you feel further guidance is required, please contact the SENCO (Mrs Tariq). Note, her working days are Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
We strive to adopt an inclusive approach, where adaptations are made to ensure the curriculum is accessible to all of our learners. Reading is at the heart of our vision at Gossey Lane, as we know this is a fundamental skill that children need to succeed in life. Our aim is that all learners will become fluent readers who comprehend and understand what they are reading by the time they leave Gossey Lane.
Gossey Lane have embedded the 5 a day principle, taken from the Education Endowment Foundation. These principles ensure that all SEND pupils have access to High Quality Teaching, which is adapted to meet their needs. At Gossey Lane, we have focussed on developing:
- Explicit Instruction to ensure teachers use clear and succinct language in teaching and checking pupils’ understanding frequently.
- Scaffolding to ensure scaffolds are provided (visual, verbal and written) that allow all pupils to access the learning.
- Flexible Groupings to promote peer tutoring, placing pupils in groups in which they learn from one another.
- Use of Technology to enable teachers to model worked examples and to share pupils' work or rework an incorrect model. Children can use technology to learn, practice and record their work.
- Cognitive and Metacognitive strategies to reduce cognitive load; enabling children to understand how they learn best.


For some pupils who are significantly behind in their learning and who may have a Send Support Provision Plan or Education, Health and Care Plan, more tailored work is provided to plug the gaps in their learning. At Gossey Lane, we use the TEACCH approach to support these children. The TEACCH approach is designed to support pupils in becoming independent. This consists of the child having a set of task boxes with activities tailored towards any gaps in their learning. This approach allows these pupils to repeat certain tasks and overlearn concepts to secure their understanding.

At Gossey Lane, we work hard to identify the needs of our pupils early on, so we are able to swiftly make adaptations and adjustments. We use the graduated approach to support us with this. See below:

At Gossey Lane, each child on the SEND register will have a learning plan and a pupil passport. The learning plans are created by the SENCo and the class teacher. Targets and provision that will be provided are taken from either continuums (define), reports from external agencies and/or teacher contributions. These are reviewed termly by the SENCo and class teacher. Targets are set as outlined below:
Target 1: Academic
Target 2: Academic
Target 3: SEMH (Social, Emotional and Mental Health)
Target 4: PFA (Preparation for Adulthood)
At Gossey Lane, we know that attendance is vital to ensure that pupils make progress in their learning. The SENCo and the attendance lead work closely together to identify any barriers and put strategies in place to overcome these. Our aim is to ensure all children want to attend school every day. We use the 5 foundations of effective attendance practice to support us in our journey to improve attendance.
Within the classrooms, we also work hard to embed Walkthrus, which focus on developing essential teaching techniques. We have a particular focus on Positive Framing and Positive Relationships as we believe that providing a warm, inclusive environment will motivate children and in turn this will improve attendance levels.