Remote education

There maybe times when due to unforeseen circumstances, the school be may be subject to an emergency closure. In this case we will do all we can to try and remain partially open. This could involve using some of our secondary schools or larger primary school sites within the MAT.

However, there are times when this may not be possible and a full closure of the school site is required. To ensure continuity of education for all our children we will switch to remote education. Our remote education will comprise of the following aspects: Live lessons via Microsoft Teams and/or work set via a Padlet. 

Live lessons

Live lessons will occur on day 2 of the closure. The class teacher will set up lessons via Microsoft Teams for the children. Every child at Gossey Lane has a school email address. It is important that you inform the school office if you do not have access to a device or the internet.  If this is the case, the class teacher will create a work pack instead. If we have spare devices available at school, we will loan these out to children who need it most. This will be decided on a case by case basis. 

During live lessons, the cameras will be enabled. It is therefore important that children are dressed appropriately and are in a suitable environment. It will also ensure we have a visual on all the children for safeguarding purposes. Microsoft teams can be accessed from a mobile device, playstation/X Box and via a computer. 


To complement the live lessons, teachers will set up a Padlet of work that is both current and relevant to the topics and units of work in class. The Padlet will be sent via Class Dojo and will be available via the class pages on the website.  Here there will be videos and sheets uploaded for completion. These can be either sent back to the teacher via dojo or brought back to school once the site is reopened. 

Pupil Engagement

There is an expectation that all children will engage with live lessons and access the work Padlet. Staff will be in contact if children have not participated in lessons with the aim of preventing your child from falling behind. If there are any issues with the work set, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. Most issues can be resolved with open lines of communication. If you are having any technical difficulties please also contact us for support. Our friendly office staff are always on hand to help. 


We will always aim to keep the school open to all pupils, however in some instances we will need to take the decision to close the school in an emergency.   The decision to close the school rests with the Headteacher in consultation with the WHMAT CEO, following appropriate risk assessments.  The Local Authority is notified immediately of any intended closure. Once a decision has been made to close the school, the following steps will be taken to notify parents/carers: 

Dojo Message

A Dojo message will be sent to all parents and carers with the information relating to the school closure.  If this is during the school day, the message will include details of dismissal arrangements.  


An announcement will be put on the front page of the website including details of the dismissal arrangements. 

A letter will be posted on the website with information about the closure and dismissal arrangements.